Friends and Acquaintances

Doug always said, "if you can have two people in a lifetime that you can call a friend, then consider yourself fortunate." He was a friend to many, but only considered a few to be his true 'friends', the rest were according to him, "acquaintances".

Good friend Sam Jordan (deceased)

Sam eventually went on from the Navy to open a restaurant in 1959 in San Francisco called "Sam Jordan's Bar" which is still in operation today. It was there that Norman Johnson was able to contact Doug after having moved to the west coast post retirement and in search of his naval buddy. Sam called Doug directly when Norman (Big John as Doug knew him) walked into his bar looking for Doug. After Sam described Norman's appearance to Doug the two reunited and the rest was history.

Best friend Norman (Big John) Johnson

Big John and Doug shared a friendship that lasted almost 45 years. Every Friday John would go by Doug's house and they'd share a 'hooker', a cup of Brandy and coke, and tell lies about fishing trips and days too far gone to remember.

Eating with Kitchen friend Chester Wright

Chester and Doug experimented over the years with more cuisines than the world has countries. Chester often gave Doug an annual supply of jams, jellies and pickled delights for his family's consumption.

Partner in crime Leo Baker (deceased)

Leo was a no nonsense, take-it-or-leave-it kind of guy. Leo was kind to those he loved but had a cutting business sense about him. Leo didn't let anybody talk crazy to him, except Doug. When Leo died of cancer in the eighties, Doug said that he felt like he'd lost a brother.