
Clockwise from top left: Arthur Slocum (Douglas' Father), Doug and his brother Jim, Mom and Art (brother), Doug as a baby.

Cousin Helen and Dad

Uncle Mug, Edna and Darlene

Brother Art on his motorcycle outside of Art's house

Aunt Ella

Mama in her twenties

Who Was Douglas Slocum?


  1. Edith Vanessa Slocum-Williams3/4/09 10:13 AM

    Looking at the screen, the picture on the bottom left hand side appears to be grandmom Gladys and grandpop Arthur.

  2. Kendal Slocum3/4/09 3:20 PM

    Thanks Edith, I made the change. I never would have guessed that was grandpa.

  3. This blog in loving memory of my father is wonderful.....

    Kendal, thank you!

    It's ashame that no recent pics of Douglas Stanford Slocum, Jr. (my brother) was not included in this blog because he is the image of his father, exactly! It's just too amazing!

    I must say that I am happy that I made the decision to spend 4 yrs of my adult life to get to know my father...(the father that I was not raised with for 11 of my childhood yrs.)

    I found my father, Doug to be one awesome man! (calling him Doug rather than Dad is not done in disrespect, but it's what he wanted us to call him as children)

    Doug was loving & kind, creative, intelligent (very) and boy could that man burn in the kitchen, he put his foot in whatever foods he made! (it's a good thing!)

    Bye Doug...I love you!
    Your Eldest Daughter, Lestina (Tina) Slocum

  4. Kendal Slocum3/4/09 11:33 PM

    Tina we all called him Doug! :) He wouldn't have it any other way. You, Edith and Punchy's comments and participation with this blog (as well as so many others) have made my eyes well up with joy. Your sisters and I here in California want nothing more than to extend our love and welcome to each of you in the East. On behalf of Katema, Keisha and Khris, we love you all!

  5. Kendal, you did a wonderful job!
    You did him proud. Maybe one day we all will
    meet, but under much better terms.

    Your Sister, Karen.

  6. Kendal Slocum5/4/09 3:05 PM

    Thank you Karen it was done for all of us out of nothing but love. Doug’s death has rung a bell for every one of us out here that life is for living and enjoyment. I want to know all of my brothers and sisters and their children and I am excited to see that we share the same sentiment.

    Your Brother, Kendal.

  7. keisha Smith5/4/09 7:43 PM

    Hi all-
    Kendal you've done a great job! I really love it! I appreciate all of the comments I wasn't to sure my message got to Karen but I see that it has! The picture with Grandma Gladys is Doug as a teenager (thats what the back of the picture says),I'll add new pictures once I return from my conference.

  8. Edith Vanessa Slocum-Williams6/4/09 5:16 AM

    I cannot be sure about the person standing with grandmom Gladys because the picture is dark; however, if the back of the picture says it is Doug as a teenager, then I guess it is.....He sure looks older than a teen :-)
    Wonderful obituary Kendall, very well done...... It is my first time to see and read it today 4/6/09.
    Love to all,

  9. Hi everybody, there is much talk about the man standing behind Grandmom in the bottom photo. Well, the man is our uncle Art. Doug's oldest brother. Doug was never that tall with a thin face. His brother Art was, and had a thin face. Grandmom must have labled the back of that picture as she got older.


  10. Kendal Slocum8/4/09 2:27 PM

    As I looked at the picture closer (when you click on the pictures they'll open in a new window and you can zoom in on them) I saw that it was clearly not Doug, but I couldn't tell if it were Jim or his father (but he looked awfully young to be grandma's husband).

    Only in my wildest hopes could I have believed that we actually had one of the rare pictures of our deceased uncle Art!

    I remember sitting at the living room table at Doug's house asking him about that photo and he told me who it was (not him) and he said that he didn't know who wrote that note on the back. Time released my memory of who he said it was.

    But now to my amazement and happiness we now have a complete set of the three brothers in their youth!

    Thank you Karen.

  11. Hi Kendal,
    somethings I just know. I really can't explain how i know, but I just do, and when I looked at the picture I knew it was our Uncle Art.. He was as tall as his Father, Grandpop Art. I wonder why Doug didn't get that part of his father's DNA? : ))) : ))

    But, Kendal as sure as my name is Karen, his name is Art. : ))) : )))

  12. My Mother always said Edith looks like Grandmom Gladys, and now I can see, for myself, they did look like one another in their younger days.

  13. Edith Vanessa Slocum-Williams28/4/09 6:56 AM

    These pictures are wonderful. Whose "Dad" is with cousin Helen? These are old pictures, probably from the 1950's. Uncle Art is looking old on that motorcycle. HOW WONDERFUL ARE THESE PICTURES? Karen, do you really think I look like grandmom? Wow, I can't see it, but Doug, Mom and you all said I look like Grandmom. I guess I do.

  14. Kendal Slocum29/4/09 1:37 AM

    "Dad" is grandpa Art. I'm not so sure about who's child Helen is though. Does anyone have any pictures of Uncle Andrew (Jim)?

  15. Edith Vanessa Slocum-Williams30/4/09 9:32 AM

    Wow! Kendal, I never knew Jim's given name was Andrew. It is truly unfortunate that we must connect under these circumstances; however, I'm SOOOOOO HAPPY we have connected. My love to all.


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