Funeral Services

Funeral preparations and arrangements were made by CP Bannon Mortuary in Oakland, CA. The services were held at the CP Bannon facility.

[See below to play music selection recordings]

There were tears but there were also a lot of smiles throughout the funeral. Daughter Katema (left) delivered the scripture reading.
Daughter-in-law Tacora (upper right) delivered the Prayer of Comfort and youngest son Kendal (upper left) acted as director of services. Daughter Keisha (not pictured) read an original poem.

People rejoiced and reflected on Doug's life and the comments of the speakers.

The program's music selections were comprised of a few of Doug's favorite country music artists including Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard.

[Play Tracks 1: Pancho and Lefty, 2: Highwayman, or 3: Favorite Memory of Mine for music played during the service]


  1. May I ask...What was the Scripture reading? (please)..Thank You!

  2. Kendal Slocum8/5/09 12:50 AM

    After several attempts the only thing that Katema could recall was that the scripture was the same as the one read at grandma Gladys' funeral.


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